(664) 686-30-67


Av. Sonora #13-3  Fracc. Chapultepec.  Tijuana. B.C.

Lic. Humberto Hirales Gallardo

He has a Law degree by the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California.


He participated in the Simposium internacional de derecho, in Hermosillo Sonora (2003), as well as the III Jornada internacional sobre el derecho de Contratos, in Habana, Cuba, and has a diploma in Procedural law, issued by the Centro Universitario de Baja California, credited by the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, campus Ciudad de México (2009).


He has been awarded recognition for assistance to courses provided by the Colegio Nacional del Notariado Mexicano (CNNM), to keep up to date in the knowledge of Notary law.


His areas of interest are: civil law (personal, patrimonial, familiar and hereditary matters), administrative, notary and recording law, as well as judicial procedures.


His current activities in our office are consultation, analysis, proposal and preparation of documents, as well as overseeing their recording.


Email: humberto.hirales@notariaocho.com

Phone: +52 (664) 686-3067 Ext. 126



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Av. Sonora #13-3  Fracc. Chapultepec.  Tijuana. B.C.

(664) 686-30-67


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